No, no, no! You shouldn't put anything on your nail while it is growing back.
Fake nails adhere to your natural nail and since you don't have one right now, it would be impossible to do so.
You can't do nail polish that's supposed to make your nails grow back either. I tried that a few years ago and my doctor jumped all over me.
I had strep throat and the doctor gave me a prescription for Keflex. I have taken that before without any problems until this time. Little red spots started coming up on my hands and feet and they hurt so bad. It felt like pins pricking me. I went back to the doctor and said that I was having an allergic reaction to the Keflex. He changed my medicine and the spots went away. However, my fingernails and toenails started to come off. Weird, I know. I started to use Nail Tek on my nails trying to make them grow back faster but my doctor said that it would hinder rather than help. He told me to keep them clean with nothing on them until they come back on their own.
Can I get some kind of fake nails in this situation?
Fake nails glue on to you real nails. So I would guess no.
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